Bright and healthy child
Early childhood is a time of great importance for human growth. In this important time of children, we always keep in mind our childcare environment is full of bright, smiles, support them growing as a child can take actions spontaneously.
Kind and thoughtful child
Relationship with people on living has a very important meaning, caring and helping each other through daily works, plat, events, they will go ahead to same goals as a member of group.
Child full of smiles
一人ひとりの育ちや個性を尊重すること。子どもたち安心できる環境づくりをすること。保育士がいつも元気に笑顔で過ごすこと。そしてご家庭と十分に連携し、共に子育てをしていく気持ちを持つこと 。笑顔いっぱいの子どもに育ってほしいと願いながら…私たちはこれらを実践し、子供の笑顔を守ります。
To respect each individual’s growth and individuality. To here a good connection. To make the environment safe and warm. And make a good relationship with their family, have feeling raise children together wishing they grow up full of smiles. We keep trying it and we protect their smile.
Child who can be a international player
We are already surrounded by full of things came from abroad, there is no the border in our society. In the future the society in grown children will be further internationalized, we set English play time its touches to foreign languages as well as foreign cultures and nature to increases their interests Hoping they take a step toward to be international people.
Full up physiological wants, spend stable preschool life.
Build a good relationship with teachers, let children’s ego grow.
To make a habit of good life style, active with willingness.
Express thought with language, join a group living.
Look after their self, build a deep trusting relationship with friends.
Build experiences up through active independently and ambitiously in a group living.